Sara Alvarado



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I was raised in Madison in a family of Real Estate experts and am proud to carry on some of the tradition as co-owner of my own family real estate business with my husband, Carlos. I’m also glad to be part of changing things for the better. Change is needed. A little bit about me; after graduating from the University of Minnesota, my thirst for adventure found me teaching English in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where I met Carlos. The adventure turned into three life-changing years. Finally, we returned to my hometown, Madison, along with our 18 month old son, Alex.

I am incredibly driven and worked smart in the beginning of my real estate career. After five years of working for large brokerage firms as a top producer, Carlos and I were ready to create a company that reflected our personal values of integrity, exceptional service, fun, and family.

For me, the success of our boutique real estate brokerage is measured not by the number of transactions closed each year, but by the relationships we build, the families we help and the impactful ways we’re able to inspire and engage with our team and our community.

In 2019, I stepped into a new leadership/advisory role with the company. This created the space for me to pursue my desire for larger change within the real estate industry as it relates to racial justice. Racism is deeply embedded in real estate and there are ways we can actively dismantle it through education, changing policies and practices, working towards eliminating barriers for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and engaging in courageous conversations that lead to courageous actions. Through research, messy conversations, and a commitment to justice, I currently work within the industry speaking, teaching/training, consulting and facilitating. My website is:

Beyond real estate, I am a writer, adventure traveler, and change agent who believes that the way to tackle difficult topics in both life and business is to show up real, raw, bold, vulnerable and ALWAYS ready for fun.

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