Stephens Elementary School
120 South Rosa Road
Madison, WI 53705
Phone:(608) 204-1900
View Stephens Elementary School Profile | Stephens Elementary Website
Mission Statement
The mission of the Glenn Stephens School Community is to engage all students in a developmentally appropriate and meaningful curriculum that leads to success in the areas of learning, behavior, and interpersonal relationships.
The school surrounds an internal courtyard and is situated on a large park, complete with soccer field and three clusters of playground equipment. Stephens is in a residential neighborhood close to Garner and Owen Parks.
Class Size
The school serves students in kindergarten through grade 5. There are six sections of kindergarten and first grade with 15 students in each class for the entire day. Classes in grades 2-5 are multi-age with seven sections of grades 2-3 and six sections of grades 4-5. Classes in grades 2-3 are limited to 15 for the morning so students receive literacy and math instruction in smaller classes. In the afternoon, grades 2-3 classes have 23-24 students in them. Classes in grades 4-5 have 24-25 students per section. Total enrollment is approximately 440 students.
Family Partnerships
PTO meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. The PTO links home, school and the district. Stephens has strong participation in special events and fund raisers. Parents participate throughout the school assisting with School Improvement Planning committees, tutoring, clerical tasks, field trips, publishing, recess, coordinating after school offerings and coaching Destination Imagination and Math Olympiad teams.