Shorewood Hills Elementary School
1105 Shorewood Boulevard
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: (608) 204-1200
View Shorewood Hills School Profile | Shorewood Hills Elementary website
Shorewood Hills at a Glance
Mission Statement: Shorewood Hills Elementary School is a unique learning community with strong traditions. Our students and their families come from around the world, the United States, and the Village of Shorewood Hills. Students, families, and school staff value education and are dedicated to continuing a tradition of high academic achievement for all children.
The central purpose of the school community is to nurture youth who will love learning throughout their lives, have a diverse, global perspective, and respect each others’ differences through understanding and appreciating our common humanity. Partnering together, school staff and parents will work to ensure that all students have the cultural, social, artistic, technological, and academic knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to continue learning and function as world citizens.
We will achieve this partnership and sustain our traditions through intentional efforts to:
- Work together from a basis of mutual trust and respect
- Draw upon our school’s diversity to make the world less theoretical and more experiential
- Provide a culturally rich, stimulating, engaging, and rigorous curriculum
- Build and sustain positive relationships with and among all students
- Develop a safe, supportive culture in which everyone feels included
Shorewood Hills Elementary School is located on the near west side of Madison among the rolling hills and wooded residential area of the Village of Shorewood Hills nestled between the University of Wisconsin to the east, Lake Mendota to the north and University Avenue to the south.
Class Size
The SAGE (Student Achievement Guarantee in Education) grant from the State will keep kindergarten and first grade classes at 15 or fewer students. Second grade averages 22 students; third, fourth and fifth grades average 24 students. Our total enrollment is 500.