Sandburg Elementary School
4114 Donald Dr.
Madison, WI 53704
Phone: (608) 204-7940
View Sandburg Elementary School Profile | Sandburg Elementary Website
The mission of Sandburg School, which is a community of learners, has the members of our school as its first priority. Our goal is to provide a foundation of academic and personal success for all children. This mission will be accomplished through a challenging, integrated, multi-cultural, and socially responsible curriculum.
Sandburg is located on the northeast side of Madison, near East Towne Mall.
Class Size
Average class size in K-3 classes is 15:1, in 4/5 classes approximately 24; total enrollment is approximately 325.
Achievement Scores
Sandburg students continue to score above the national average on standardized tests. In the recent Wisconsin Student Assessment System tests for grades 3-5, Sandburg students generally scored above the district and state averages.
Areas of Interest
Technology: All classrooms have at least two computers. Our computer lab serves all students. Students have scheduled as well as open computer lab time.
Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program: The goal of Talented and Gifted (TAG) programming is to make certain K-12 students consistently have learning opportunities that are challenging, systematic and continuous based on learning profile, readiness and student interest. Student learning experiences include a broad range of opportunities that pushes a student to their next level of challenge and allows them to develop their talents. TAG programming may occur in the classroom, or in other settings. TAG programming is determined by ongoing evaluation and assessment of individual student needs. Each school has TAG resource support for ongoing consultation.
Special Classes: Sandburg provides experiences in art, music, physical education and technology.