Alvarado Real Estate Group is proud to help support organizations like Project Kinect as they offer innovative ways to promote social change in our community. This year’s theme is SIDExSIDE: An Exploration in How We Collaborate. The past year, we have experienced the need to be the most equipped possible to work with almost anyone. That is the only way we can evolve and create the positive change needed to see our world survive and flourish. The 2018 Social Change Forum will provide participants an opportunity to practice this in a controlled space, work with unique facilitators on collective impact theories, real life collaboration, and creating spaces of inclusion. We will hear from speakers who have dedicated their lives to working with different people in order to create impact. Most importantly, we will commune to learn and share best practices from one another. On March 1st, 2018, we will ignite a positive social change fire that will be felt all around the globe. We want you to join us.
This year the forum will begin on February 28th with a special event and continue with a full day forum on March 1st. We welcome and invite anyone to the Social Change Forum. Whether you are a government official, work at a nonprofit, lead a corporation, are a teacher, or a freshman in college, we encourage you to join us for this annual impactful and soul filling event. If the pricing is not in your budget, please contact us and WE WILL WORK SOMETHING OUT! Email and ask about scholarship options and special codes for students.