Orchard Ridge Elementary School

5602 Russett Rd.
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 204-2320

View Orchard Ridge School Profile  |  Orchard Ridge Elementary Website


The mission of Orchard Ridge Elementary School is to enable all students to become respectful citizens and life-long learners by providing learning opportunities that meet their individual needs.


Orchard Ridge Elementary School (O.R.E.) is located on the southwest side of Madison, at the corner of South Whitney Way and Russett Road. O.R.E. shares the building with Toki Middle School and uses the rooms and grounds on the building’s east side.

Class Size

Orchard Ridge has SAGE-like staffing. Class sizes at the Kindergarten and first grade level average around 16. Our 2nd and 3rd grades have up to 25 in homerooms, but then break into groups of 17 for literacy and math instructions. At the fourth and fifth grades we have multiage classes which are around 26.

Family Partnerships

O.R.E. starts with the strong and committed Parent Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) that offers critically important ideas, feedback, and suggestions for school decisions. The P.T.O. also raises money for projects, sponsors informational programs, and is an advocate for the school’s children. Partnerships with the Y.M.C.A., the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (R.S.V.P.), and local businesses are frequently coordinated by the P.T.O. Edgewood College and the University of Wisconsin provide student teachers who contribute to the success of O.R.E.

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