Mendota Elementary School
4002 School Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Phone: (608) 204-7840
View Mendota Elementary School Profile | Mendota Elementary Website
Mendota Elementary School is governed by a parent and community Steering Committee which guides our mission, vision and beliefs about meeting individual student needs within a diverse learning community. Our long range planning encompasses eight themes: teaching and learning systems, learning environment, resources and facilities, unified community, parent involvement, partnerships, school climate, equity and anti-racism through the district framework of learning, relationships and engagement.
Located one block off Northport Drive and near Lake Mendota and Warner Park on the northeast side, Mendota is a neighborhood school representing a broad range of social, economic, cultural and racial diversity. Stable families, diversity, three neighborhood centers with excellent after school activities and a growing northeast business community are key reasons why the Mendota area is a great place to raise a family.
Class Size
Mendota is one of Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction’s SAGE (Student Achievement Guarantee in Education) schools, which is a state grant that ensures that class sizes of kindergarten through third grade will have a maximum number of 15 students. This allows for small group and individual attention for reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Mendota offers multi-age classes at the 2/3 and 4/5 grade levels.
Family Partnerships
The Mendota Learning Community enjoys positive partnerships with our Parent Teacher Organization. Three potluck dinner meetings per year are scheduled and Leadership committees meet more often. The PTO sponsors our Carnival, the Grandparents Thanksgiving Celebration, Student Olympics, Talent Show and numerous fun activities for our school. Mendota staff and families took first place in the “Walk for Literacy,” earning $1,000 in books for our library. The PTO supported by volunteers and employees of Kraft Foods sponsors Market Days as a primary fund raiser each month.
Title I Parent Involvement Funds support K-1 Literacy Dinner meetings throughout the year and “First Book” program. Parents participate on our governance Steering Committee. Parents are always welcome at our school and serve as friends and volunteers in the classrooms.