Leopold Elementary School

2602 Post Road
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: (608) 204-4240

View Leopold Elementary School Profile  |  Leopold Elementary Website

Mission Statement

Aldo Leopold School, a diverse, caring community whose mission is to empower each child to become an enthusiastic lifelong learner, provides high quality education and strives for academic excellence.

  • A safe, friendly environment that appreciates individuality and fosters self esteem.
  • An integrated multi-cultural curriculum that values diversity and develops each child’s potential.
  • A commitment to a mutually responsible partnership between students, families, staff and community.


All Leopold students will grow and achieve as learners throughout their careers and beyond. Leopold students will become comfortable and competent users of technology
All Leopold students will become effective problem solvers, using creative and critical thinking skills, with respect for individual differences. Each Leopold student will participate in school wide activities which create an all-school identity and reflect diverse student interests, in which parents, teachers and community members are needed and involved.


Leopold School opened in 1970 as a K-5 school. The school is located on 14 acres of land and serves a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural community with families of varied socio-economic backgrounds. The enrollment is approximately 683 students with class sizes averaging as follows: Kindergarten – 15, Grade 1 – 15, Grade 2 – 16/18, Grade 3 – 23, Grade 4 – 23, Grade 5 – 23. There are 42 classrooms, two art rooms, two music rooms, a computer lab, large library and a gymnasium.

There are several programs to serve children with special needs, such as Speech and Language, Early Language Learners, Bi-Lingual Classes and Exceptional Educational Needs.

The school serves the largest geographic elementary attendance area which includes the city of Madison, town of Madison, and the city of Fitchburg. Many of the children are bused due to the distance they live from school.

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