Alvarado Real Estate Group invites you to listen to the experts, ask questions and learn more about making your home healthy and energy efficient. We hope you can join us!
Monday March 26th 2012 at 6pm Goodman Library, 2222 S. Park St. in Madison
Our Panel includes:
Green Madison Advocate: Alicia De Barreno
Green Madison Program
Green Madison helps City of Madison homeowners and businesses achieve significant energy savings, while increasing the comfort and durability of your home and business. Personal assistance, generous cash incentives, and hassle-free financing makes Green Madison the go-to energy-efficiency resource for Madison homeowners and businesses.
Green Building: Leah Samson
-Samuel Madison Environmental Group
Landscape Architect: Steve Whayland
Ken Saiki Design
Steve helps design and manage site planning, stormwater management related, and LEED/sustainable design projects. Steve enjoys working as a civil engineer with the landscape architecture firm Ken Saiki Design, using an integrative, collaborative and creative approach to excellence in site planning and design. Ken Saiki Design has astrong reputation for: quality landscape architecture & site design, and are good people to work with.
Solar Expert: Lincoln Tice
Full Spectrum Solar
Lincoln has worked for Full Spectrum Solar for more than three years, beginning his career in renewable energy after graduating from the UW with a Biology major in 2008. He has installed over a hundred Solar Electric (photovoltaic a.k.a. PV) systems, as well as many Solar Water Heating systems, and learned a lot about what makes for a good solar site. Lincoln’s specialty is designing the array for optimal energy production, long-term durability and strength, and an aesthetically beautiful solar installation that is economical.
Energy Raters: Laura Paprocki
Environmental Engineer & Energy Consultant Trinity Enviromental, LLC
Laura has worked in numerous areas of environmental services – including an environmental health and safety manager in manufacturing facilities, an environmental engineer on site during demolition and remediation, and home performance consultant working with both new construction and existing home improvements. She is the owner of Trinity Environmental – an engineering firm whose residential focus is helping….
o Homeowners understand how to achieve the best return on their investment regarding home improvements o And also helping builders construct high performance homes that co-exist with their natural surroundings
She is an infield verifier for numerous green building programs both local and national – helping homeowners and builders achieve green and energy efficient building certifications.
Steve Pipson
RESNET Certified Energy Rater & BPI Building Analyst Professional Home Performance Specialists
Steve Pipson knows homes from the inside out. Having worked as a journeyman carpenter, project manager, architectural technician and college instructor, he brings over 25 years of experience in the trade to his energy evaluation work. Friendly, knowledgeable and a bit of a “house detective,” Steve is passionate about conserving resources and helping clients make improvements to their homes that ultimately improves their bottom line and lessens their impact on the environment.
Please R.S.V.P.. for this event so we know how much pizza we need! We hope you can come.