Gompers Elementary School
1502 Wyoming Way
Madison, WI 53704
Phone: (608) 204-4520
Gompers Elementary School | Gompers Elementary Website
Mission Statement
The mission of Gompers Elementary School, a community where all children, families, and staff are valued and respected, is to provide a safe, inclusive, caring environment where all children learn, are self-reliant, and are prepared for future learning and social opportunities through a challenging, multicultural, technological curriculum.
Gompers Elementary School is located on the far north side of Madison in a pleasant residential neighborhood. Our proximity to the Cherokee Marsh provides a great laboratory for study. We have the added benefit of sharing our building with Black Hawk Middle School.
Class Size
Classes can range from 17 at the K-1 level and 25-28 at the 3-5 level. The Language Arts/Math block at 2nd and 3rd grade receives teacher support to bring class size to about 15-18 during these 2½ hours daily.
Family Partnerships
Parents play a vital role in the Gompers School family by contributing countless hours of volunteer time. Many parents give of their time each year in such areas as tutoring, classroom assistance, and helping on field trips. GEPTO – Gompers Elementary Parent Teacher Organization meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. This group is very supportive and provides additional resources to our school through fundraisers and special events. GEPTO has assisted in the purchase of computers, software, camcorder, and supplies. They have also contributed funds for cultural arts programs, the patrol trips, the 5th grade party, reading backpacks, and other school-related activities.
Community Partnerships
Gompers also benefits from a partnership with the RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program). These volunteers help with tutoring in the classrooms and work in the LMC.
Every year, St. Peter’s Catholic Church and Vogel Brothers donate boxes of notebooks, folders, pencils, crayons, and various other school supplies, and we have welcomed donations from other sources. Other community groups and individuals have also been generous in their donations.