Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School
101 South Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53717
Phone: (608) 663-6403
Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School Website
Mission Statement
The mission of Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School (formerly named Jefferson Middle School), a learning partnership dedicated to educational excellence, is to promote academic exploration and success; the realization of individual student potential; respect for self and others; and joy in learning. These goals can be accomplished by assuring: high quality instruction of a challenging curriculum reflective of our diverse global community; an environment which is safe and supportive; and an effective collaboration of families, staff and community.
Jefferson is located on Madison’s west side, near the intersection of Gammon and Mineral Point Roads and adjacent to Memorial High School.
Class Size
Student enrollment is approximately 490 with 165 students each grade, averaging 25 students per academic class.
Academic Achievement
Achievement Scores: More than half of Jefferson’s students score in the top quartile nationally on both reading and math standardized tests.
Honors Courses and Core Academic Subjects: Core academic subjects (math, science, language arts and social studies) are required at each grade level. Eighty percent of recent eighth graders enrolled in at least one honors class for ninth grade.
Areas of Interest
Technology: Computer technology is introduced to sixth graders in Unified Arts. Students take a seven-week class with emphasis on file management, word processing, spread sheets, databases, desk-top publishing, multimedia, E-mail, web browsing, “Nettiquete,” web page construction and keyboarding. Jefferson has a PC Lab and a Mac Lab, both fully equipped. The Library & Media Center (LMC) has 17 computers and each classroom has two stations.
Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program: The goal of Talented and Gifted (TAG) programming is to make certain K-12 students consistently have learning opportunities that are challenging, systematic and continuous based on learning profile, readiness and student interest.
Special Classes: Advanced math is offered in eighth grade