Cherokee Heights Middle School
4301 Cherokee Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 204-1240
Cherokee Heights Middle School Website
Cherokee At A Glance
Cherokee Heights Middle School is a dynamic learning community dedicated to providing all students with a strong curriculum, leadership, and support. Students are expected to use problem solving skills, respect diversity, develop self-confidence, and make a positive contribution to the school environment. We work toward the following goals:
- All students will be prepared to successfully complete academically challenging courses at the next level.
- All students will use social skills that demonstrate responsibility to self, to others, and to the community.
- All students will fully participate in classroom practices that recognize and incorporate student diversity.
- All families in the Cherokee community will be an integral part of the educational process.
Cherokee is located on 13 picturesque acres in the Nakoma neighborhood. It is near the Arboretum, Vilas Park, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Cherokee population is comprised of students from nine west area neighborhoods.
Class Size
There are nine academic sections in 6th grade, with classes averaging 20 students. There are seven sections of 7th grade and nine sections of 8th grade, with classes averaging 22 students. The projected student population is 581.
Achievement Scores
On recent standardized tests, 43% of Cherokee students scored in the top 25th percentile nationally for reading and 40% scored in the top 25th percentile nationally for math. Some 97% of parents report that academic excellence is important at Cherokee.
Community Partnerships
The Cherokee Homework Center and reading buddy program are staffed by community volunteers. UW-Madison and Edgewood College place many student volunteers at Cherokee as part of service projects. Cherokee is a partner with the UW-Madison in the national network of Professional Development Schools. This partnership prepares future teachers and demonstrates Cherokee’s desire to improve the quality of education for children.